About Us
An Acknowledgment
Fellowfield is committed to supporting healthy and just relationships. It is in this spirit we honor, with gratitude, this land, the waters, air, soil, and inhabitants that have sustained us, and the people who have stewarded this place throughout the generations.
Fellowfield Discovery Park occupies traditional and contemporary lands of the Anishinaabek, Potawatomi, Maskwahki-asa-hina (Fox), and Peoria peoples. We ask you to join us in acknowledging these communities and their unique and enduring relationship with this place. We also call attention to the indigenous lives that have been excluded, silenced, and wounded by historic and ongoing colonial practices here and throughout the world.
Settler colonialism is embedded in the structures and ways of thinking we use every day, and unless we consciously choose to interrupt these systems, we perpetuate the harm.
Fellowfield Discovery Park has been founded to raise-awareness and deal with the legacy of colonialism within our culture and ourselves. We start by recognizing we are visitors in this place. We embrace the wisdom and guidance of the land and its indigenous peoples in our effort to become considerate guests and more responsible stewards.
At Fellowfield, our stewardship skills are built through the lens of ecojustice education.
Read more about our ecojustice approach by clicking here.